Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Green Smoothie Recipe

Not only does this smoothie taste yummy, it is full of nutrients from the seeds (if included) , fruits and vegetables. Proteins, vitamins, omega 3 fatty acids and minerals, get absorbed in my body and help give me an energy boost that keeps me energized all day long !! Bonus ...

The added benefit of smoothies :
  • quick and easy
  • help to curb sweet cravings 
  • can be customised to your taste
  • great in-between snack
  • ideal on those days when you're feeling a little low .. 

This is one of my favourite recipes and is also great for your skin !!!


1 Cup Kale
1/2 Apple
1/2 Avocado or Pear 
Handful of Walnuts
Chia Seeds (optional)

1 Cup Coconut Water or Milk .

Blend and enjoy ...

What are your favourite smoothie recipes ??? 

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Therapy .....

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The gym is more to me than getting in shape. Its a form of therapy..
We all have hard days .. stressful days. Days we feel upset or a little down..

When I walk into the gym its just me, the weights and music ( I love my Beats by Dre). The gym is there for me to strengthen my body and mind, to help release frustrations and feel balance again.

So some days its not about lifting more or completing more reps, its about letting go of the stresses and just focusing on me .. even if only for an hour .

Friday, 8 January 2016

All about the Gains

My fitness journey began just over a year ago.  At first it was just about "toning up" and becoming healthier.. 9 months of cleaner eating and visiting the gym 3-4 times per week and I was addicted. The gym has become my therapy. More on this in another post..

This year though its about me building muscle and looking stronger .. Or as I like to call it "all about the gains" 

What are your fitness goals this year ? 
Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Recovering after the Holidays

One of my favourite things about January is that represents a fresh start it also feels a very peaceful month. The last couple of months always seem so busy and no matter how organised you think you might be ... there is always something left to do. Here are some of my favourite ways to help you recover after the holidays ...

  1.  Cut out sugar and eat as many fresh foods as possible. This is a great way to detox your system and help get the essential nutrients back into your body.
  2.  Make sure you drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated also a great way of flushing toxins out of your body.
  3.  Find ways to be a little more active every day. Walk to school or the Shops.. Get your heart rate going. Plus the fresh air will make you feel better :)
  4.  Take a little time off to focus on you, perfect opportunity to indulge in all the bath bombs you received at Christmas ;)
  5.  Organize !! Organized home .. organized mind .. there is something so satisfying about sorting through "stuff" .. even if its only your purse ... 

What are some of your favourite ways to recover after the holidays ?